Friday, September 24, 2010

When & where will this year's spelling bee take place?

UPDATE for 2011-2012 year:

This year's Homeschool Spelling Bee will take place on Saturday December 3, 2011.

Homeschool bee held at Calvary Church 1230 Rugby Road in Schenectady at 10 a.m. Spellers should arrive by 9:45 to register and get preliminary instructions.

Spellers do NOT need to register in advance. We ask that parents of spellers contribute $2 per speller (maximum of $5 per family) to contribute towards the cost of heating the building for the bee and to provide a small prize for our winner and runner-up.

This year's bee schedule has been moved earlier in the year due to the scheduling of the Times Union/Capital District BOCES bee deadlines.

Excellent free study materials from the Scripps Spelling Bee are available here.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about our homeschool spelling bee are available here.

The FAQ will answer many of your questions about eligibility to participate, how to prepare, and what happens next for the winner of our homeschool bee.

If you have additional questions after reading our FAQ, please feel free to contact me.

Mary O'Keeffe
Home School Bee Organizer

Frequently Asked Questions about the Spelling Bee

Click on each question to go to the answer.

When and where is the bee for homeschoolers in our area?

Suppose I win the homeschool bee? What happens next?

Who is eligible to spell in the bee?

What kind of weird words will I have to spell at the bee?

How do I prepare for the bee?

What are the rules for the bee?

What's the history of the local homeschool bee? How long has it been going?

We don't live in your area. How can my child participate in a spelling bee?

I have a question about the bee not answered above. Who can I contact for more information?

Please email the bee organizer, Mary O'Keeffe, at

Noah Webster, author of America's First Dictionary